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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel William Crotty

State Police Detectives Investigating Sussex County Daytime Burglaries

Date Posted: Saturday, April 27th, 2024

Community Alert text with State Police Tahoe in the background

The Delaware State Police are currently investigating four daytime residential burglaries that occurred between April 22, 2024, and April 23, 2024. The burglaries occurred in the neighborhoods of Compass Point and Kindleton in Lewes, and Kings Crossing in Lincoln. The suspects appear to be targeting the owners of various local nail salons. Some of these burglaries involved forced entry to the homes.

The suspects were wearing construction vests, gloves, baseball hats, sweatshirts and surgical masks. The suspects are possibly operating a dark colored SUV.


Burglary suspect



Burglary suspect



Burglary suspect



The Delaware State Police are encouraging residents to lock their doors, secure large amounts of cash and jewelry through secure locations such as banks or safety deposit boxes. Please be alert, remain vigilant, and report any suspicious activity by calling 9-1-1.

The Delaware State Police Troop 4 Property Crimes Unit continues to investigate these incidents. Detectives are asking anyone who may have information to contact Detective K. Perry by calling (302) 752-3800 Information may also be provided by sending a private Facebook message to the Delaware State Police or contacting Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-847-3333.

If you or someone you know is a victim or witness of a crime, or you have lost a loved one to a sudden death and need assistance, the Delaware State Police Victim Services Unit / Delaware Victim Center is available to offer you support and resources 24 hours a day through a toll-free hotline at 1-800-VICTIM-1 (1-800-842-8461). You may also email the Victim Services Unit at

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