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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel William Crotty

Troopers Arrest Greenwood Man for Fraud

Date Posted: Monday, October 16th, 2023

Brayan Ramirez mugshot with gray background

Delaware State Police arrested 21-year-old Brayan Ramirez of Greenwood, Delaware, for fraud-related charges on Saturday.

On August 29, 2023, at approximately 5:46 p.m., troopers were called to Mechanical Welding LLC, located at 16750 Oak Road, Bridgeville, Delaware, for a fraud report. The investigation revealed that the business’ bank account had numerous fraudulently cashed checks between March and July 2023. Troopers discovered that a former employee, Brayan Ramirez, cashed checks by a mobile deposit from 2019 to 2020. He then altered those same checks in 2023 and cashed them again. The total fraudulent amount of the duplicated checks was over $17,000.

Ramirez was taken into custody at his residence without incident and transported to Seaford Police Department, where he was charged with the following crimes:

  • Theft Greater than $1500 (Felony)
  • Forgery 2nd Degree (Felony)
  • Falsifying Business Records

Ramirez was arraigned by Justice of the Peace Court 3 and released on his own recognizance.

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