Superintendent Colonel William Crotty
Ellendale– The Delaware State Police are investigating a home invasion that took place at an Ellendale area residence early Wednesday morning.
The incident occurred at approximately 01:50 a.m., Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at a residence located on New Hope Rd., Ellendale. Upon arrival, it was reported that multiple suspects made entry into the home and assaulted a 35-year-old female resident by striking her in the head. It is unknown if a weapon was used at this time. While inside the residence, the suspects damaged and removed personal belongings of the victim. The suspects then fled in an unknown direction. The victim was transported to a local area hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
There were two juveniles also inside of the residence during the incident, but were unharmed.
The number of suspects is unknown and there are no descriptions at this time.
This investigation is ongoing, and anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to contact Detective K. Wideman of the Troop 4 Criminal Investigations Unit by calling 302-752-3832.
Information may also be provided by calling Delaware crime stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or via the internet at
If you or someone you know is a victim or witness of crime or have lost a loved one to a sudden death and are in need of assistance, the Delaware State Police Victim Services Unit/Delaware Victim Center is available to offer you support and resources 24 hours a day through a toll free hotline 1800 VICTIM-1. (1800 842-8461). You may also email the unit Director at
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Presented by Public Information Officer, Corporal/1 Jason Hatchell
Released: 062420 1127