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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel Melissa Zebley

Delaware State Police Honors Art Contest Winners

Date Posted: Thursday, August 10th, 2017



Presented by the Director of Public Information Sergeant Richard D. Bratz

The Delaware State Police celebrated the winners of the 2017 Delaware State Police Community Outreach Art Contest at an award ceremony on Wednesday August 9, 2017 at the Delaware State Police Museum in Dover. Students from schools throughout the State participated in this very neat art contest from Kindergarten through Sixth Grade.

Sergeant Richard Bratz said, “I would also like to thank the moms and dads, brothers and sisters and other family members who lend a hand to help these very fine artists with their drawings. It is not only the picture of art that we appreciate; it’s also the message of each boy and girl expressed in their title that we are grateful for. Titles like: “Police Help Our Community, Police Are Our Friends, In Honor Of Our Police, Protected By The Blue, Police Are A Part Of Our Community, Police Rock!, Nation Protectors.” I particularly liked the artwork titled “Officer Ponytails, Heroes Helping, Trooper In Action and last but certainly not least, Community Friend.” Choosing a good title for your art is important. It says something about what the drawing means to you. Boys and girls, we are humbled by your kind words and strengthen by your inspiring message, so…thank you for sharing your art with all of us.”

The honorary speaker was our Superintendent of the Delaware State Police, Colonel Nathaniel McQueen Jr. and Corporal Heather Imhof.

Also those in attendance were Deputy Superintendent Lieutenant Colonel Monroe Hudson, members of the Delaware State Police Community Outreach Unit, Captain Glenn Dixon, and Senior Corporal Juanita Huey. Additionally, over 100 family members and friends of the honored students came out to support the event. The artwork will be proudly displayed here at the Delaware State Police Museum.

Delaware State Police Sponsors Children’s Art Contest

Delaware State Police Announces Winners of Art Contest


Released: 081017 1521



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