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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel Melissa Zebley

Troopers Investigate Metro PCS Store Robbery

Date Posted: Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Metro Bear.jpg

Presented by Public Information Officer, Master Corporal Jeffrey R. Hale

Bear- Delaware State Police are currently investigating the armed robbery of a Bear Metro PCS store that occurred yesterday evening.

The initial investigation has determined that the incident occurred at approximately 7:25 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2017, as a male suspect entered the Metro PCS located at 728 Pulaski Highway, Bear. The suspect then approached the sales counter where he confronted a female clerk while displaying an unknown make and model handgun. He then demanded money from the cash register. The employee complied with the suspect’s demands and turned over an undisclosed amount of money to him. The suspect then exited the store and fled in an unknown direction. There were no injuries.

The suspect was described as a white male. He was 5’04”-5’05” tall, weighed 215-230 lbs., and was last seen wearing a black t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and black boots. There is no further physical or clothing description available.

The Delaware State Police would like to remind the business community that robbery prevention is something business owners need to cover with new hires as well as current employees on a regular basis.

Anytime there is money in a place, there is a chance that someone will want that money, and is willing to use force to get it. You can take some simple steps to help reduce the chances that you, or your business, will be robbed. There is no way to fully prevent robbery, but you can reduce the odds of becoming a victim. 

Methods for Discouraging a Robber

  • Lock unused doors.
  • Avoid working alone. If you must work alone, turn on a radio or TV so robbers will think there is someone with you.
  • Vary the schedule and route you take for your bank deposits each day, keep only the necessary cash on hand.
  • Make sure your cash register is clearly visible to passers-by.
  • Avoid placing signs or displays near windows, because they block visibility from the street.
  • Display signs at entrances and exits indicating that safes require secondary keys, which are not in the possession of employees.
  • Advertise your security alarm system with signs in visible locations.
  • Place colored markings at the exits to estimate the suspect’s height as they leave.
  • A robbery may be over in less than a minute. You need a quick eye to get a good look at the robber. That’s why some stores place hidden cameras behind cash registers.

If a Robbery Occurs

  • Call police immediately by dialing 9-1-1, before calling anyone else.
  • Someone points a gun at you and demands your money. What do you do? Give it to him/her! Never refuse a robber.
  • Remain calm. You will be able to give a better description to the police. Most robbers do not harm the victim.
  • Do not resist. Cooperate with the robber, but do not volunteer any information or do anything other than what he asks. He may be armed and may harm you or others if you do not cooperate. Listen carefully to him/her, and pay attention to the robber’s appearance and demeanor.
  • Try to avoid sudden moves. Many robbers are just as nervous as you are.
  • The most important thing to do if you’re robbed is to do as you’re told and try to observe. The description of the suspect that you give to the police may be the only information they have to work with.

Steps to Take After a Robbery

  • Wait until the suspect has left the store and then sound the alarm.
  • Call 9-1-1. Tell the dispatcher the name and address of your business. Give a brief description of the suspect and the suspect’s vehicle if known.
  • Ask customers to stay and wait for the police.
  • When your witnesses have agreed to stay, lock the doors until the police arrive.
  • Preserve the crime scene and make sure the witnesses are aware that they should not touch anything that the suspect may have touched.
  • Ask all witnesses and staff members to write down their observations of the suspect description.


If anyone has any information in reference to this incident, they are asked to contact the Robbery unit at Troop 2 at 302-365-8566. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword “DSP.”

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Released: 051617 0845




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