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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel Melissa Zebley

Delaware State Police Museum Showcase New Exhibit- Dover

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021

Lambertson murder case Lambertson murder case Lambertson murder case

Dover-The Delaware State Police Museum revealed a new exhibit detailing the events and investigation into the Lamberston Murder Case.

On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the Delaware State Police Museum revealed its new exbibit which detailed the events surrounding the Lambertson Murder Case and included the renown execution of the convicted murder Billy Bailey.

On May, 21, 1979, Bailey tragically shot and murdered Clara and Gilbert Lambertson inside of their home located just north of Dover. Bailey was a habitual offender who was facing possible life in prison for a recent check forgery conviction. On this date, Bailey committed an armed robbery of a local liquor store before traveling to the Lamberston’s residence. Shortly after the murders, Delaware State Police responded and canvassed the area for Bailey. Delaware State Police Aviation located Bailey fleeing on foot. As the helicopter was hovering close to the ground, a trooper pilot jumped from the aircraft and gave chase. Bailey fired a gunshot towards the pursuing trooper, but missed and was ultimately tackled and taken into custody.

Following a successful trial, Bailey was sentenced the death penalty. Bailey refused the option of dying by lethal injection and instead opted to be hanged. On January 25, 1996, Billy Bailey was the first to be hanged in Delaware since 1946 and only the third in the United States since 1965.

The Delaware State Police Museum located at 1425 North DuPont Highway, Dover, DE, 19901, is open and visitors are welcome by appointment only at this time. You can schedule to visit the museum by calling 302-739-7700.

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Presented by Public Information Officer, Corporal/1 Jason Hatchell

Released: 060221 0924

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