With the recent stretch of unseasonably warm winter weather the Delaware State Police have seen a sharp increase in the number of illegal and unsafe OHV (Off-highway Vehicles) and ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) related complaints. As we move in to the spring season we can foresee this activity not only continuing but increasing.

While the majority of ATV operators are responsible and comply with State law, there are those who not only create unsafe situations for the public and themselves, but affect the quality of life in our communities.

If you are an owner/operator please make yourself familiar with the laws pertaining to the legal and safe operation of these vehicles. Specific laws pertaining to OHV’s can be found on the State of Delaware website at: ( Refer to Title 21-6801 and 21-4191A.

Information can also be found on the Delaware Department of Motor Vehicles website at: (

The most basic and general facts are that OHV’s cannot be operated on any state roadway and that permission to operate them on private property must be authorized by the property owner. Keep in mind that even with permission to utilize private property all operators must comply with parking and noise related laws.


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Presented by Public Information Officer, Master Corporal Michael Austin

Released:031220 1350
