Troopers Offer Holiday Safety Tips

With the holiday shopping season upon us, the Delaware State Police would like to remind you to make safety a priority to avoid being vulnerable to theft and other holiday crimes. By taking a few extra precautions you can help ensure your holiday is a happy and safe one. We would like to provide these few safety reminders to help keep you safe this holiday season.


  • Try to shop during the day, but if you shop at night, do not do it alone.
  • Parking lots are an easy place to fall victim to a crime. Always park in a safe, well lit location.
  • Remember to lock your car doors and secure your valuables in a place where they aren’t visible from outside the vehicle.
  • When walking to and from your vehicle, stay alert to your surroundings and be aware of possible suspicious persons, vehicles or situations. Always remember, if you see something to say something.
  • Use caution if carrying a wallet or purse. They are prime targets for criminals in crowded locations.
  • Avoid wearing expensive jewelry and carrying large amounts of cash. Beware of strangers approaching. At this time of year, con-artists may try various methods of distracting you, including working in teams, with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
  • Avoid being preoccupied with your cellphone and other electronic devises.


The Delaware State Police wishes everyone a safe and Happy Holiday Season!

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Presented by Public Information Officer, Senior Corporal Heather Pepper

Released:120319 1200
