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Delaware State Police

Superintendent Colonel William Crotty

Troopers Investigating Fatal Crash-Selbyville

Date Posted: Sunday, August 18th, 2019

Selbyville- The Delaware State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit is investigating a fatal crash that occurred last evening.

The incident occurred on August 17, 2019 at approximately 7:52 p.m., when a 2018 Nissan Altima was traveling southbound on Gum Road approaching the intersection of Roxanna Road (SR 17) which is controlled by a stop sign for southbound traffic. A 2014 Chevrolet Traverse was traveling westbound on Roxanna Road approaching the same intersection. For unknown reasons, the operator of the Altima entered the intersection directly into the path of the Traverse. As a result, the front of the Traverse impacted the left front of the Altima within the westbound travel lane of Roxanna Road.

The operator of the Altima, a 74-year-old female from Weston, OH, was properly restrained.  She was transported to the Atlantic General Hospital where she ultimately succumbed to her injuries.  Her name is being withheld at this time pending the notification of next of kin.

The operator of the Traverse, a 50-year-old male from Middle River, MD, was properly restrained.  He was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center and later transferred to Baltimore Shock Trauma with serious injuries.  There were also three passengers in the Traverse, a 53-year-old female, a 36-year-old male and a 36-year-old female.  All three passengers were properly restrained and transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center where they were treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Roxanna Road was closed for approximately 3 hours while the crash was investigated and cleared.

The crash continues remains under investigation by the Collision Reconstruction Unit.

If you or someone you know is a victim or witness of crime or have lost a loved one to a sudden death and are in need of assistance, the Delaware State Police Victim Services Unit/Delaware Victim Center is available to offer you support and resources 24 hours a day through a toll free hotline 1800 VICTIM-1. (1800 842-8461).  You may also email the unit Director at

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Presented by Public Information Officer, Master Corporal Melissa Jaffe

Released: 081819 0645



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