The Delaware State Police Joins the White House-Led Police Data Initiative

Presented by the Director of Public Information Sergeant Richard D. Bratz

The Delaware State Police is proud to announce our participation in the Police Data Initiative (PDI). PDI is a White House program aimed at making police data available to the public we serve. This initiative supports efforts of law enforcement agencies to leverage data to strengthen accountability and increase transparency.

The Delaware State Police has joined the White House Police Data Initiative and is currently only one of two state police agencies taking part in this data driven effort. We are currently establishing data sets which will provide relevant and updated information for the public. Our data sets will contribute to our efforts to maintain trust, increase transparency and strengthen community bonds.

“As the Delaware State Police continues to work toward our goals of improving effectiveness and efficiency and expanding our community outreach, the White House Police Data Initiative provides an excellent opportunity to increase transparency and build trust with the communities we serve.”

Colonel Nathaniel McQueen, Jr.

Superintendent of the Delaware State Police

The Police Data Initiative was developed based on the recommendations from the Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The intent is to pinpoint the most practical ways to understand and provide specific data to assist law enforcement and enhance community engagement. There is an emphasis for agencies to better use data and technology to build public trust and increase public awareness. The all-embracing goal is to continually build an effective alliance between law enforcement and local communities that enhances transparency, reduces crime and increases trust.

“We are proud of DSP’s ongoing commitment to providing excellent services to our citizens as it works to strengthen community bonds. This collaboration and information sharing will go a long way in enhancing goodwill and trust within the communities we serve

Secretary James Mosley, Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

“It is critically important for government to work closely with community members and to embrace transparency,” Governor Markell said. “For law enforcement, that builds public trust and creates opportunities to involve everyday Delawareans in efforts to improve public safety.  I applaud Delaware State Police for its longstanding commitment to community engagement and its participation in the President’s Police Data Initiative, and I welcome the new steps it is taking to share data and use information and technology in its work to protect us all.”

Jack Markell, Governor

Please see additional information on the White House Police Data Initiative:

List and map of PDI Participating agencies

Released: 110416 1751
